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A very long time ago, in a far away place, i was the Witchdoctor of my tribe and i was responsible for curing medical ailments, cursing our enemies, advice the chief, but also for climate prediction.
Under the pretence of “throwing the bones” i would claim to know if it would be a sunny day or if a storm would be on its way.Problem was i knew nothing about climate prediction so i had to think of something. I had a very precise record with my climate predictions, but it had nothing to do with throwing the bones. The modus operandi was to run 20km every morning to the top of the mountain to see if there were dark clouds or clear sky. If dark clouds were brewing i would run back to the village to “throw the bones” and proclaim that a storm was coming. The tribe and chief praised me daily for my accurate predictions and i must admit i loved the attention i was getting.
One day whilst on my way back from the mountain, i was almost home when i tripped over a rock and broke my leg. Unable to run up the mountain to check the cloud cover, i kept getting my predictions wrong. The tribes people started getting very annoyed.I kept vehemently stating that a big storm was coming and that it would be the biggest storm they’d ever see and that it would kill many people. This did not happen. The tribes people were growing more and more tired of the catastrophic storm predictions, whilst the sky remained clear for a long time. I knew that if i wont heal quickly things would soon change for the worst Eventually they burnt my apprentice at the stake and ate him. Fortunately i managed to flee the tribesmen's wrath and save my now worthless life.
I wondered the world for many years until one day i found this strange magic place. I was fascinated by it so i decided to settle and hopefully never to be responsible for climate predictions again...it was a relief to find out that people here don't consume human meat.